Monday, January 7, 2013

Flash Fund Raising

We have excellent news!
Over the Christmas and New years holidays, We were able to collect the very last of our paperwork needed for the home study!!! We mailed it to the agency and the home study agency has called and offered to let us go ahead and start the home visits portion of the home study while we wait for the divorce certificate to come in.
This is absolutely awesome news!

However, We were informed that we need to go ahead and pay for the home study now. Up front. Before we can start the home visits.

Ya'll know we've been fund raising for months.
Ya'll have made donations.
Ya'll have shopped the yard sales.
Ya'll have purchased our crafts.

And it is the saddest truth that nearly every cent we have fund raised up to this point is already spent.
On the various paperwork and things that we had to chase around and get gathered.
We have approximately $400 left from all our fundraising to apply towards the home study fee.

The fee is $2,050. This is not for paperwork.
This is the fee that the agency charges to write our home study.
And we have $400.
We are scrambling to come up with ways to meet the rest that is needed.

And I am struggling in my heart to finally be at a point where we can do this home study only to be held back by needing to pay this fee!

So This is a Flash Fund Raising effort. We need this fee covered quickly.
If you'd like to make a donation, you can make one here at the blog in the Chip In widget on the sidebar. If you're uncomfortable making a donation through the Chip In, but you'd still like to make a donation- Contact me and I can give you our mailing address.

Any amount.
Any donation.
If you are feeling called to help us, now is a perfect time.

We need these funds as quickly as possible.
If you feel led to make a donation, please do.
Please donate exactly as much as you are led to donate.

Our family is so thankful for every donation that has been made and we continue to be thankful for every donation that will be made. This adoption could not happen as quickly as we need for it to happen without the help of donation.

And, in the mean time,  we will be scrambling together whatever other funds we can.

Thank you!

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